Spatial evaluation and model architecture

Linear regression, covered in the previous chapter, is often seen as an entry method to enter the world of supervised machine learning. However, not every phenomenon can be explained using a linear relationship, and not everything is a regression. For the former, you need to use methods that have a bit more complicated math behind them (but often the same Python API). For the latter, you will often need to look for classification models. Both of these options are covered in this course, with non-linear regression models in this session and classification in the next one. Today, you’ll focus on learning the API and the key principles of supervised machine learning with scikit-learn and especially on spatial evaluation of model performance. To a degree, it is a continuation of the work covered last time, but there are some new things here and there.

This is not an introduction to ML

Note that this material does not aim to cover an introduction to machine learning thoroughly. There are other, much better materials for that. One of them can be scikit-learn’s User guide, but I am sure you will find one that suits you.

import esda
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pyinterpolate
from libpysal import graph
from sklearn import ensemble, metrics, model_selection, svm


Let’s stick to a similar type of data you were working with in the previous chapter on linear regression. The data you will be working with today is, once again, representing municipalities in Czechia but this time your task will not be prediction of election results but the rate of executions (of any kind, not only those related to mortgages). The dataset is representing the proportion of population aged 15 and above in each municipality with at least one court mandated execution during the Q3 of 2024, coming from by PAQ Research. The CSV is only slightly pre-processed to contain only relevant information.

executions = pd.read_csv(
kod_obce nazev_obce kod_orp nazev_orp kod_okresu nazev_okresu kod_kraje nazev_kraje podil_osob_v_exekuci
0 500011 Želechovice nad Dřevnicí 7213 Zlín 40851 Zlín 3131 Zlínský kraj 3.1
1 500020 Petrov nad Desnou 7111 Šumperk 40819 Šumperk 3123 Olomoucký kraj 4.6
2 500046 Libhošť 8115 Nový Jičín 40894 Nový Jičín 3140 Moravskoslezský kraj 2.1
3 500062 Krhová 7210 Valašské Meziříčí 40843 Vsetín 3131 Zlínský kraj 1.9
4 500071 Poličná 7210 Valašské Meziříčí 40843 Vsetín 3131 Zlínský kraj 1.3

Instead of reading the file directly off the web, it is possible to download it manually, store it on your computer, and read it locally. To do that, you can follow these steps:

  1. Download the file by right-clicking on this link and saving the file
  2. Place the file in the same folder as the notebook where you intend to read it
  3. Replace the code in the cell above with:
executions = pd.read_csv(

You have your target variable. The models will try to predict it based on a set of independent variables of which the first is the proportion of votes for Andrej Babiš, a candidate often marked as a populist or belonging to the anti-system movement (although not as strongly as some other parties in the country). You can read this data from the chapter on autocorrelation. The dataset also provides geometries of individual municipalities.

elections = gpd.read_file(
elections = elections.set_index("name")
nationalCode PetrPavel AndrejBabis sourceOfName geometry
Želechovice nad Dřevnicí 500011 61.73 38.26 Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální MULTIPOLYGON (((-518835.63 -1170505.52, -51790...
Petrov nad Desnou 500020 49.07 50.92 Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální MULTIPOLYGON (((-559207.18 -1075123.25, -55624...
Libhošť 500046 47.78 52.21 Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální MULTIPOLYGON (((-486502.29 -1123694.06, -48717...
Krhová 500062 58.79 41.20 Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální MULTIPOLYGON (((-494514.83 -1136457.23, -49539...
Poličná 500071 58.20 41.79 Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální MULTIPOLYGON (((-499678.51 -1143457.52, -49799...

Second set of independent variables are reflecting education profile. It is the same dataset you have used last week. This time, you will use only a subset though.

education = pd.read_csv(
uzemi_kod without_education undetermined incomplete_primary_education lower_secondary_and_secondary_education further_education post_maturita_studies bachelors_degree doctoral_degree masters_degree higher_vocational_education higher_vocational_education_in_a_conservatory primary_education complete_secondary_vocational_education complete_secondary_general_education okres
0 500011 0.570704 3.741281 1.141408 34.242232 1.775523 0.507292 2.853519 0.634115 12.935954 1.395054 0.126823 11.350666 17.945466 10.779962 Zlín
1 500020 0.885827 3.346457 1.968504 40.157480 2.066929 0.885827 1.771654 0.492126 6.299213 1.574803 0.000000 15.059055 16.338583 9.153543 Šumperk
2 500046 0.359195 3.232759 0.790230 39.152299 2.514368 0.790230 3.520115 0.215517 10.632184 1.364943 0.143678 9.770115 15.301724 12.212644 Nový Jičín
3 500062 0.238237 3.573556 1.072067 32.757594 2.084574 1.131626 3.037522 0.178678 13.281715 0.714711 0.119119 11.316260 18.701608 11.792734 Vsetín
4 500071 0.412939 2.890571 1.238816 34.067447 1.720578 0.757054 3.028217 0.137646 11.080523 0.894701 0.000000 9.772884 20.027529 13.971094 Vsetín

On top of that, you will use the average population age and a proportion of divorced in the population.

age_divorces = pd.read_csv(
uzemi_kod divorced mean_age
0 500011 0.047056 45.528343
1 500020 0.057741 44.782427
2 500046 0.037081 42.127722
3 500062 0.046040 42.579208
4 500071 0.040210 43.869464

Given each dataset is in its own (Geo)DataFrame now, the first thing is to merge them together to have a single GeoDataFrame to work with throughout the notebook. Each of them has a column representing code of each municipality, allowing use to easily merge the data together.

executions_data = (
    .merge(executions, left_on="nationalCode", right_on="kod_obce")
    .merge(education, left_on="nationalCode", right_on="uzemi_kod")
    .merge(age_divorces, left_on="nationalCode", right_on="uzemi_kod")
nationalCode PetrPavel AndrejBabis sourceOfName geometry kod_obce nazev_obce kod_orp nazev_orp kod_okresu ... masters_degree higher_vocational_education higher_vocational_education_in_a_conservatory primary_education complete_secondary_vocational_education complete_secondary_general_education okres uzemi_kod_y divorced mean_age
0 500011 61.73 38.26 Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální MULTIPOLYGON (((-518835.63 -1170505.52, -51790... 500011 Želechovice nad Dřevnicí 7213 Zlín 40851 ... 12.935954 1.395054 0.126823 11.350666 17.945466 10.779962 Zlín 500011 0.047056 45.528343
1 500020 49.07 50.92 Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální MULTIPOLYGON (((-559207.18 -1075123.25, -55624... 500020 Petrov nad Desnou 7111 Šumperk 40819 ... 6.299213 1.574803 0.000000 15.059055 16.338583 9.153543 Šumperk 500020 0.057741 44.782427
2 500046 47.78 52.21 Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální MULTIPOLYGON (((-486502.29 -1123694.06, -48717... 500046 Libhošť 8115 Nový Jičín 40894 ... 10.632184 1.364943 0.143678 9.770115 15.301724 12.212644 Nový Jičín 500046 0.037081 42.127722
3 500062 58.79 41.20 Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální MULTIPOLYGON (((-494514.83 -1136457.23, -49539... 500062 Krhová 7210 Valašské Meziříčí 40843 ... 13.281715 0.714711 0.119119 11.316260 18.701608 11.792734 Vsetín 500062 0.046040 42.579208
4 500071 58.20 41.79 Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální MULTIPOLYGON (((-499678.51 -1143457.52, -49799... 500071 Poličná 7210 Valašské Meziříčí 40843 ... 11.080523 0.894701 0.000000 9.772884 20.027529 13.971094 Vsetín 500071 0.040210 43.869464

5 rows × 33 columns

You can notice that some of the columns are in Czech. The important one is "podil_osob_v_exekuci", which stands for a ratio of people with a execution. Check how does the spatial distribution looks like, to get a sense.

1    vmin=3,
Specifying minimum and maximum for the colormap based on the values used by PAQ Research. It helps filtering out outliers.

Proportion of population with executions

The executions_data GeoDataFrame has obviously more columns than we need. For the modelling purpose, select a subset of variables to treat as independent, explanatory. The election results of Andrej Babiš, three columns representing education levels, mean age and divorced rate.

independent_variables = [

You can briefly check how each looks on a map and compare them to the distribution of executions.

fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 2)
for variable, ax in zip(independent_variables, axs.flatten()):
1        legend_kwds=dict(shrink=0.5),
    ax.set_title(variable, fontdict={"fontsize": 8})
Make the colorbar half the size for a better looking plot.

Spatial distribution of independent variables

Machine learning 101

As mentioned above, this material is not meant to provide exhaustive introduction to machine learning. Yet, some basics shall be explained. Start with storing independent variables and a target variable separately.

independent = executions_data[independent_variables]
target = executions_data["podil_osob_v_exekuci"]

Train-test split

Some data are used to train the model, but the same data cannot be used for evaluation. The models tend to learn those exact values, and the performance metrics derived from training data show a much higher score than the model can on unseen data. One way around this is to split the dataset into two parts - train and test. The train part is used to train the model. However, the test part is left out of training and is later used to evaluate performance without worrying that any of the data points were seen by the model before.

scikit-learn offers handy function to split the data into train and test parts, dealing with both dependent and independent variables at the same time.

1X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = model_selection.train_test_split(
    independent, target, test_size=0.2, random_state=0
X and y are not very explanatory variable names but they are used in ML so often to reflect independent (X) and dependent (y) variables that everyone knows what they mean. You’ll see the same naming across scikit-learn’s documentation.
AndrejBabis undetermined masters_degree primary_education mean_age divorced
4126 34.31 4.103842 12.849089 10.607054 46.251550 0.061366
6100 26.66 11.016949 10.593220 6.991525 40.045872 0.073394
5222 60.52 3.061224 4.081633 13.265306 43.833333 0.045833
1788 44.15 4.856512 9.602649 13.355408 43.606174 0.050514
546 39.88 5.284435 10.511118 11.059775 43.974484 0.056744

You can check that X_*, containing independent variables is split into two parts, one with 80% of the data and the other with remaining 20%. Completely randomly.

X_train.shape, X_test.shape
((5003, 6), (1251, 6))


While there is a large number of ML models available, your goal at the moment is not to understand which ML model is better and how to fine-tune it but how to evaluate it using the spatial dimension. So, let’s not complicate the situation and stick to one of the common models - random forest.

Random forest regressor is implemented within the ensemble module of the scikit-learn and has the API you should already be familiar with. Get the training data and fit the baseline model.

basic_model = ensemble.RandomForestRegressor(n_jobs=-1, random_state=0), y_train)
RandomForestRegressor(n_jobs=-1, random_state=0)
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  1. n_jobs=-1 specifies that the algorithm should use all available cores. Otherwise, it runs in a single thread only. There are also some model parameters to play with but more on that below.
  2. The first argument is a 2-D array of independent variables, and the second is a 1-D array of labels you want to predict.


The trained model can be directly used to predict the value, the proportion of executions. Normally, you do the prediction using the unseen portion of the data from the train-test split.

pred_test = basic_model.predict(X_test)
array([4.868, 6.952, 4.479, ..., 3.188, 2.937, 6.721])

The output is a simple numpy array aligned with the values from X_test. What this array is mostly used for is the model evaluation.


Evaluation is usually composed a series of measurements comparing the expected and predicted values and assessing how close the result is. Regression problems typically use \(R^2\), mean absolute error, or root mean squared error among others. Let’s stick to these three for now. All are directly implemented in scikit-learn.


\(R^2\) is a measure you should already be familiar with from the previous session on linear regression. It expresses the proportion of variation of the target variable that could be predicted from the independent variables.

r2 = metrics.r2_score(y_test, pred_test)

This baseline model is able to explain about 56% of variation. Not bad, given the limited data and no fine-tuning.

Mean absolute error

The name kind of says it all. The mean absolute error (MAE) reports how far, on average, is the predicted value from the expected one. All that directly in the units of the original target variable, making it easy to interpret.

mean_absolute_error = metrics.mean_absolute_error(y_test, pred_test)

Here, you can observe that the error is about 1.6% on average. But given the average rate of executions is 4.95%, it is quite a bit of spread.

Root mean squared error

Root mean squared error (RMSE) is a very similar metric but it is more sensitive to larger errors. Therefore, if there is a smaller proportion of observations that are very off, RMSE will penalise the resulting performance metric more than MAE.

rmse = metrics.root_mean_squared_error(y_test, pred_test)

It is a bit larger than MAE in this case, meaning that there are outliers with exceptionally high residuals. You’ll be looking at multiple models and evaluations, so let’s start building a summary allowing simple reporting and comparison.

summary = f"""\
Evaluation metrics
Random Forest:
  R2:   {round(r2, 3)}
  MAE:  {round(mean_absolute_error, 3)}
  RMSE: {round(rmse, 3)}
The summary is using a multiline f-strings to fill the values within the string.
Evaluation metrics
Random Forest:
  R2:   0.559
  MAE:  1.661
  RMSE: 2.555

Cross validation

Now, if you want to plot the predicted labels on a map, you can do that reliably only for the test sample. The training sample was seen by the model and would not be representative of model capabilities.

    pred_test=pd.Series(pred_test, index=X_test.index)
).plot("pred_test", legend=True).set_axis_off()

Prediction on the test sample

Working with this would be a bit tricky if we want to look into the spatial dimension of the model error.

However, you can create a map using the complete sample, just not using exactly the same model for all its parts. Welcome cross-validated prediction.

Cross-validated (CV) prediction splits the dataset (before you divided it into train and test) into a small number of parts and trains a separate model to predict values for each of them. In the example below, it creates five equally-sized parts and then takes four of them as train part to train a model that is used to predict values on the fifth one. Then, it switches the one that is left out and repeats the process until there are predicted values for every part. The resulting prediction should not contain any data leakage between train and test samples. However, as described below, that is not always the case when dealing with spatial data.

pred_cross_val = model_selection.cross_val_predict(
array([3.523, 4.533, 2.436, ..., 2.866, 2.166, 2.796])

The array pred_cross_val now has the same length as the original data and can be therefore plotted on a full map.

executions_data.plot(pred_cross_val, legend=True).set_axis_off()

Cross-validated prediction on the full dataset

Cross-validation also allows you to assess the quality of the model more reliably, minimising the effect of sampling on the metric. You can simply measure the performance on the full array taking into account every of the five folds.

r2_cross_val = metrics.r2_score(
    target, pred_cross_val
mae_cross_val = metrics.mean_absolute_error(
    target, pred_cross_val
rmse_cross_val = metrics.root_mean_squared_error(
    target, pred_cross_val

summary += f"""\
Random Forest (k-fold metrics):
  R2:   {round(r2_cross_val, 3)}
  MAE:  {round(mae_cross_val, 3)}
  RMSE: {round(rmse_cross_val, 3)}
Evaluation metrics
Random Forest:
  R2:   0.559
  MAE:  1.661
  RMSE: 2.555
Random Forest (k-fold metrics):
  R2:   0.527
  MAE:  1.695
  RMSE: 2.62

These results are not wildly off but the performance dropped a bit. The smaller the dataset (and this one is pretty small) the higher the effect of train-test split could be. Let’s refer to the cross-validated metrics as more reliable representation of the performance of the baseline model here.


Another positive aspect of cross validation is that is allows use to retrieve a full sample of residuals. Unlike in linear regression, where residuals are part of the model, here you have to compute them yourself as a difference between expected and a predicted value.

residuals = (target - pred_cross_val)
0   -0.423
1    0.067
2   -0.336
3   -0.738
4   -1.174
Name: podil_osob_v_exekuci, dtype: float64

Negative values mean the model have over-predicted the value, while the positive one means under-prediction. The optimal is zero. Check the residuals on a map.

1minmax = residuals.abs().std()
2    vmin=-minmax * 5,
    vmax=minmax * 5,
Getting the standard deviation of the absolute value of residuals to help to reasonably stretch the colormap.
Get the minimum and maximum of the colormap as 5 standard deviations below or above zero.

Spatial distribution of residuals

The spatial pattern of error signifies issues, you should know that from the last session. You can optionally use some strategies covered there to mitigate it. Today, let’s look and more advanced spatial evaluation of the model performance.

Spatial evaluation

The metrics reported above are global. A single value per model but the map indicates that this varies in space. Let’s see how.

Spatially stratified metrics

Global metrics can be computed on regional subsets. We have an information about okres (county) and can try computing the metrics for each individual okres. To make it all a bit easier, assign the cross-validated prediction as a new column.

executions_data["prediction"] = pred_cross_val

Using groupby, you can group the data by "okres" and check the metric within each one. Better to measure metrics derived from real values than \(R^2\) as the latter is not well comparable across different datasets (each okres would be its own dataset in this logic).

1grouped = executions_data.groupby("okres")[
    ["podil_osob_v_exekuci", "prediction"]

2block_mae = grouped.apply(
    lambda group: metrics.mean_absolute_error(
        group["podil_osob_v_exekuci"], group["prediction"]
block_rmse = grouped.apply(
    lambda group: metrics.root_mean_squared_error(
        group["podil_osob_v_exekuci"], group["prediction"]
Group by "okres" and selected a subset of relevant columns to work on.
Use apply together with the lambda function defined on the fly to pass the relevant columns of each group as parameters of the metric function.

As a result, you now have two Series with the metric per okres.

Benešov        1.469640
Beroun         1.106306
Blansko        1.159198
Brno-město     2.919000
Brno-venkov    1.237567
dtype: float64

Let’s concatenate them together to a single DataFrame with proper column names.

spatial_metrics = pd.concat([block_mae, block_rmse], axis=1)
spatial_metrics.columns = ["block_mae", "block_rmse"]
block_mae block_rmse
Benešov 1.469640 2.320084
Beroun 1.106306 1.386071
Blansko 1.159198 1.639552

And merge with the original data. The spatial metrics cannot be simply assigned as new columns as they are much shorter - only one value per okres. You need to merge on the okres values to assign it as new columns.

executions_data = executions_data.merge(
    spatial_metrics, left_on="okres", right_index=True
nationalCode PetrPavel AndrejBabis sourceOfName geometry kod_obce nazev_obce kod_orp nazev_orp kod_okresu ... primary_education complete_secondary_vocational_education complete_secondary_general_education okres uzemi_kod_y divorced mean_age prediction block_mae block_rmse
0 500011 61.73 38.26 Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální MULTIPOLYGON (((-518835.63 -1170505.52, -51790... 500011 Želechovice nad Dřevnicí 7213 Zlín 40851 ... 11.350666 17.945466 10.779962 Zlín 500011 0.047056 45.528343 3.523 1.264901 1.664545
1 500020 49.07 50.92 Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální MULTIPOLYGON (((-559207.18 -1075123.25, -55624... 500020 Petrov nad Desnou 7111 Šumperk 40819 ... 15.059055 16.338583 9.153543 Šumperk 500020 0.057741 44.782427 4.533 1.733577 2.874693
2 500046 47.78 52.21 Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální MULTIPOLYGON (((-486502.29 -1123694.06, -48717... 500046 Libhošť 8115 Nový Jičín 40894 ... 9.770115 15.301724 12.212644 Nový Jičín 500046 0.037081 42.127722 2.436 0.722556 0.926253

3 rows × 36 columns

Let’s see how the performance differs across space.

fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1)
for i, metric in enumerate(["block_mae", "block_rmse"]):
    executions_data.plot(metric, ax=axs[i], legend=True, cmap="cividis")
    axs[i].set_title(metric, fontdict={"fontsize": 8})

MAE and RSME measured per each aggregated region

The spatial variation is evident. What is also evident are the boundaries between individual okres’s, suggesting a MAUP issue. At the same time, such an aggregation may not always be available.

The better option is to measure the spatial metrics using the Graph. You can define neighborhoods and measure the metric in each neighborhood individually, reporting a unique value per each focal geometry. In this case, you can assume that the daily mobility is not limited to neighbouring municipalities only, so let’s get a K-nearest neighbors with 100 neighbor (median number of municipalities in the okres is 79, so it should cover roughly similar scale). Using very small neighborhoods may result in the metrics jumping up and down erratically due to sampling issue.

knn100 = graph.Graph.build_knn(
1    executions_data.set_geometry(executions_data.centroid), 100

3executions_data["spatial_mae"] = knn100.apply(
    executions_data[["podil_osob_v_exekuci", "prediction"]],
    lambda df: metrics.mean_absolute_error(
        df["podil_osob_v_exekuci"], df["prediction"]
executions_data["spatial_rmse"] = knn100.apply(
    executions_data[["podil_osob_v_exekuci", "prediction"]],
    lambda df: metrics.root_mean_squared_error(
        df["podil_osob_v_exekuci"], df["prediction"]
Set geometry to centroids (on-the-fly) as the KNN constructor requires point geometries.
Assign self-weight to 1, effectively including focal geometry in its own neighbourhood.
Graph.apply works as an overlapping groupby.apply. You just need to give it the actual data as the first argument. Remember that the graph contains only the information about the relationship.

You can map the results again, observing much smoother transitions between low and high values, minimising boundary aspect of MAUP (the scale aspect is still present).

fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1)
for i, metric in enumerate(["spatial_mae", "spatial_rmse"]):
    executions_data.plot(metric, ax=axs[i], legend=True, cmap="cividis")
    axs[i].set_title(metric, fontdict={"fontsize": 8})

MAE and RSME measured within 100 nearest neighbors. Notice the more visible artifacts of large errors in the RSME map caused by the penalisation.

With these data, you can do any of the spatial analysis you are used to, like extracting local clusters of low or high performance or fixing the model to avoid these artifacts.

Spatial dependency of error

Let’s now focus on a direct spatial assessment of residuals. The map of residuals above indicates that there is some spatial structure to unpack, so let’s dive into the assessment of the spatial dependency of the model error.


Let’s check the spread of the assumed autocorrelation. Is the dependency relevant only locally, regionally or nationally? To answer this question, you can build an experimental variogram, like you did when dealing with kriging. The variogram should then indicate the extent of autocorrelation.

Remember, that pyinterpolate assumes data in a specific structure, so let’s quickly prepare it. For details check the interpolation chapter.

input_data = np.hstack(
1        residuals.abs().values.reshape(-1, 1),
Use absolute value of residuals to assess the autocorrelation of model imprecision, irrespective of the direction.

Build the variogram, ideally covering the width of the whole country.

exp_semivar = pyinterpolate.build_experimental_variogram(
1    step_size=10_000,
2    max_range=490_000,
Step size set to 10km.
Max range is 490km, which is the rough width of the dataset.

With the built semivariogram, you can explore its plot.


Semivariogram of the prediction error

The semivariance tends to grow nearly across the whole range, indicating that the autocorrelation does not disappear when considering larger regions. More, it seems that there is difference in performance across large parts of the country. In any case, the results clearly suggests that the model has a troubles with spatial heterogeneity of the relationship between independent variables and the target one.

LISA on residuals

One approach of determining spatial dependence of the residuals you are already familiar with is measuring local indicators of spatial autocorrelation. The variogram does not really help us in selecting the optimal neighborhood to work with, so let’s build a distance band graph with the threshold of 10 km.

distance10km = graph.Graph.build_distance_band(
1    executions_data.set_geometry(executions_data.centroid), 10_000
Distance band builder also assumes point geometry.

Now, you have two options on how to assess local autocorrelation. When using the raw residuals, you can identify areas that are consistently over-predicted and those that are consistently under-predicted.

moran = esda.Moran_Local(residuals, distance10km)
moran.explore(executions_data, tiles="CartoDB Positron")
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