Non-linear regression
Non-linear relationships
Course information
What is Spatial Data Science?
Understanding Notebooks
Quiz on Jupyter and Markdown
Open Data Science
Open tools and open mindset
Data wrangling
Learning pandas
Quiz on pandas
Spatial data
Spatial data old and new
Bring in geography
Learning GeoPandas
Spatial weights
Space as math
Spatial weights in PySAL
Graph here, graph there
Exploratory spatial data analysis
Explore space!
Spatial autocorrelation
Does it correlate?
Point patterns
I need more points
Point pattern analysis
Is there a pattern?
Similar data belong together
Clustering and regionalisation
Find me a cluster
Raster data
Data as a grid
Population as a raster grid
Learning xarray
Use space in your favour
Spatial interpolation
What is in between?
Linear regression
Relationship and prediction
Regression and geography
Fit that model
Non-linear regression
Non-linear relationships
Decision trees and gradient boosting
Plant a forest
Where do I belong?
Classification in space
Predict future
Non-linear regression
Non-linear relationships
Non-linear relationships
Work in progress
This section is currently in works. Come back later.
Fit that model
Decision trees and gradient boosting