A brief introduction to Spatial Data Science

A recording of the online workshop entitled “A Brief Introduction to Spatial Data Science” delivered during the UrbanMetaMapping conference in Saarbrücken on September 13th 2024. The repository with the notebook used in the workshop is available from https://github.com/martinfleis/saarbrucken-workshop. Video

September 26, 2024 · 1 min

The emergent structure of cities

The recording of a keynote entitled ‘The emergent structure of cities’ delivered during the UrbanMetaMapping conference in Saarbrücken on September 12th 2024. The slides are available at the US CUNI website. Video

September 26, 2024 · 1 min

Evolution of Urban Patterns: Urban Morphology as an Open Reproducible Data Science

We have a new paper published in the Geographical Analysis on the opportunities current developments in geographic data science within the Python ecosystem offer to urban morphology. To sum up - there’s a lot to play with and if you’re interested in the quantification of urban form, there’s no better choice for you at the moment. Urban morphology (study of urban form) is historically a qualitative discipline that only recently expands into more data science-ish waters....

July 15, 2021 · 4 min

Talk at ISUF 2021: Classifying urban form at a national scale

I had a chance to present our ongoing work on the classification of the (built) environment in Great Britain during the International Seminar on Urban Form 2021, which was held virtually in Glasgow. I was presenting the classification of urban form, one component of Spatial Signatures we’re developing as part of the Urban Grammar AI project together with Dani Arribas-Bel. The video of the presentation is attached below, as well as the abstract....

July 5, 2021 · 2 min

The Urban Atlas: Methodological Foundation of a Morphometric Taxonomy of Urban Form

The Urban Atlas: Methodological Foundation of a Morphometric Taxonomy of Urban Form is the title of my PhD Thesis defended in January 2021 at the University of Strathclyde. Thanks to Ombretta and Sergio for guiding me along the way! Abstract No two cities in the world are alike. Each urban environment is characterised by a unique variety and heterogeneity as a result of its evolution and transformation, reflecting the differences in needs human populations have had over time manifested, in space, by a plethora of urban patterns....

April 30, 2021 · 3 min

Spatial Analytics + Data Talk

On March 30, 2021, I had a chance to deliver a talk as part of the Spatial Analytics + Data Seminar Series organised by the University of Newcastle (Rachel Franklin), the University of Bristol (Levi Wolf) and the Alan Turing Institute. The recording of the event is now available on YouTube. Spatial Signatures: Dynamic classification of the built environment This talk introduces the notion of “spatial signatures”, a characterisation of space based on form and function....

April 10, 2021 · 1 min

Confused terminology in urban morphology

This is a short introduction of our recently published paper Measuring urban form: Overcoming terminological inconsistencies for a quantitative and comprehensive morphologic analysis of cities, which is essentially one of the background chapters of my PhD (hopefully finished later this year). When I started my work, which is focusing on measuring of urban form (or urban morphometrics) - see momepy - one of the first things I wanted to do was to understand what people were people measuring so far — the natural thing to do....

March 4, 2020 · 4 min