GeoPandas 1.0 is coming. What will change?

The GeoPandas team is racing towards the 1.0 release, nearly 10 years after 0.1 made it to PyPI. As with any major release, it brings some changes. This post highlights those I feel are the most important and invites you to test the 1.0.0-alpha1 and later rc versions before we let the stable version fly to the world. Please test! As of today, GeoPandas 1.0 is out as a pre-release 1....

April 13, 2024 · 4 min

Writing an efficient code for GeoPandas and Shapely in 2023

With the release of Shapely 2.0, the GeoPandas-based code that have been optimised years ago may no longer provide the best performance. The workshop organised during the GeoPython 2023 together with Joris van den Bossche showed how to change that and write efficient and convenient GeoPandas code that uses the benefits of the latest developments in the Python geospatial ecosystem. Workshop resources are available on Github. Annotation The Python geospatial ecosystem is constantly evolving, rushing towards better usability, new features, fewer bugs and increasing performance....

May 2, 2023 · 2 min

Introduction to GeoPandas and its Python ecosystem

A talk from the OpenGeoHub Summer School 2022. Workshop materials Recording The ecosystem of packages for spatial data handling and analysis in Python is extensive and covers both vector and raster analytics from small to large distributed data. This talk covers only a small part, focusing on vector data processing with GeoPandas at its core. First, it covers what GeoPandas is and how it relates to other packages and combines them into a user-friendly API....

October 20, 2022 · 1 min

Understanding the structure of cities through the lens of data

The workshop organised together with James D. Gaboardi during the Spatial Data Science Symposium 2022 is now available online. See the recording below and access the workshop material on Github from which you can even run the code online, in your browser. Annotation Martin & James will walk you through the fundamentals of analysis of the structure of cities. You will learn what can be measured, how to do that in Python, and how to use those numbers to capture the patterns that make up cities....

September 29, 2022 · 1 min

Scaling up vector analysis with Dask-GeoPandas

The workshop organised during the GeoPython 2022 together with Joris van den Bossche introduces the Dask-GeoPandas library and walks you through its key components, allowing you to take a GeoPandas workflow and run it in parallel, out-of-core and even distributed on a remote cluster. Workshop resources are available on Github. Annotation The geospatial Python ecosystem provides a nice set of tools for working with vector data, including Shapely for geometry operations and GeoPandas to work with tabular data (and many other packages for IO, visualization, domain specific processing, …)....

June 22, 2022 · 2 min

xyzservices: a unified source of XYZ tile providers in Python

A Python ecosystem offers numerous tools for the visualisation of data on a map. A lot of them depend on XYZ tiles, providing a base map layer, either from OpenStreetMap, satellite or other sources. The issue is that each package that offers XYZ support manages its own list of supported providers. We have built xyzservices package to support any Python library making use of XYZ tiles. I’ll try to explain the rationale why we did that, without going into the details of the package....

August 3, 2021 · 4 min